Section Notes

August issue section notes for the Cotswold section.
Section Secretary. Brian Keeling 

A month of hot weather during July has been fabulous for motorcycling and not surprisingly we have very good turnouts for our Mid-Week Rallies every Wednesday evening. By the time you read this the Cotswold Weekend Trial and Social Run will be over and hopefully the weather will have stayed fine for the event. A number of us had a great weekend at The Flat Tank Sections Veteran and Vintage Weekend, ideal weather for camping and riding and many thanks to Dennis and Ginny Beale for organising a brilliant weekend.

September issue section notes for the Cotswold section.
Section Secretary. Brian Keeling 

A couple of dates to take note of please. The Belt And Braces Run is shown in our printed calendar as being on the 14th October but should read the 7th October. In addition always a good event which hopefully will get support is The Westbury-on- Severn Summer Show on Sunday 2nd September. Starts at 12pm at the Parish Hall, bring along your vintage/classic car or motorbike and gain free entry. Come and go as you please. Please advise Dennis Beale (01452 750424) or email- if you hope to attend for space planning.

October issue section notes for the Cotswold section.
Section Secretary. Brian Keeling 

The August Mid-Week social run was particularly memorable for a visit to Hercules Propellors at Brimscombe, arranged by Chris Roberts. The owner, Rupert showed us around and explained the manufacturing process of how they make and finish propellors and we could see what superb quality items they make there. Fascinating that presently if you need a new propellor for your Spitfire they are only available from Germany! Rupert is hoping to remedy this anomaly and is ready to produce his first set of Spitfire blades in September. Our visit was then followed by a quick charge up to the AV8 cafe at the Cotswold Airfield at Kemble for a cup of tea. As Wallace would say, “a good day out Grommet”. Put a date in your diary for the Belt And Braces run on October 7th.